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Educational Awareness Panel Sessions

Public Educational Awareness Panel Sessions serve as a powerful tool to educate, engage and mobilise individuals and communities. By fostering dialogue, promoting understanding and amplifying diverse voices, they contribute to the creation of a more inclusive, informed and equitable society. These discussions play a crucial role in fostering understanding, promoting dialogue and driving positive change.

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Stakeholder Action Roundtable: Addressing Four Areas of Concern

The purpose of this working roundtable was to examine one-sided or incomplete stories on the writing of policies, the management of communities and on the dissemination of public information, social media and blogging and to explore effective ways to counteract social exclusion, discrimination and hate speech.

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SMITE Story Cafés

The Story Cafés consisted of a series of eight informal social gatherings with the aim to educate local and migrant participants, educators, civil society representatives on critical thinking and to engage in healthy debates.

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Edutainment Lab – Interactive Experiential Education Workshops 

The project’s Edutainment Lab consists of two Interactive experiential workshops. The purpose of these two experiential workshops is to encourage active learning, where participants are actively involved in the learning process. Instead of simply listening to talks or debate during informal social gatherings, they can engage with the content through hands-on activities, simulations, role-playing and problem-solving exercises and movement.

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Related Articles & Events.

SMITE Project Launch in April

The SMITE (Stereotypes & Mass Information Together explored) project will launch in April 2022 with two online panel discussions, taking place on 7 April from 9.30am to 11.30am CET and

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Upcoming Activities

June 2023

Saturday, 24 May from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

SMITE STORY CAFÉ – Media Literacy Uncovered. 

Join our debate on the impact of media literacy on single stories & social exclusion.