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Together For A Brighter Tomorrow

Ensuring the wellbeing of individuals in ethno-culturally diverse situations hinges on successful multicultural integration. This issue holds great significance as it directly impacts people's overall welfare.

Multicultural integration plays a pivotal role in advancing social justice, a crucial principle for fostering inclusive societies. By encompassing social welfare for all, multicultural integration contributes to the development of fair and harmonious communities.

In today’s increasingly diverse world, the integration of different cultures is a pressing concern with far-reaching implications. The successful integration of individuals from various ethno-cultural backgrounds and members of local communities holds the key to ensuring everyone’s wellbeing in such diverse situations. 

Among the numerous benefits it brings, multicultural integration plays a crucial role in promoting social justice, a vital principle for building inclusive societies. By emphasizing social wellbeing for all, multicultural integration fosters the development of fair and harmonious communities. 


NWAMI International Malta’s objectives align closely with the importance of multicultural integration and its impact on people’s wellbeing. NWAMI International Malta, as an organization, strives to promote cultural understanding, respect, and harmony among diverse communities. By emphasizing the value of multicultural integration, NWAMI International Malta actively works towards creating inclusive societies where individuals from different ethno-cultural backgrounds can thrive.

The acronym NWAMI, coined by NWAMI UK, stands for Networking for World Awareness of Multicultural integration. NWAMI International Malta, operating under the acronym NIM, is an independently governed European Sister Organisation to NWAMI UK. 

One of NIM’s objectives is to facilitate social justice by promoting equal opportunities and rights for all individuals, regardless of their cultural backgrounds. This objective resonates with the idea that multicultural integration contributes to social justice, as it involves creating an environment where everyone’s welfare is prioritized and respected.

Additionally, NIM aims to enhance community cohesion and harmony by bridging cultural gaps and fostering positive relationships. This objective aligns with the notion that successful multicultural integration leads to fair and harmonious communities, where individuals from diverse backgrounds can coexist and collaborate.

Through its culture, art and educative initiatives and projects NIM actively supports and promotes the principles of multicultural integration, social justice, and inclusive societies effectively working towards t common goals and objectives for the benefit of all.

Our Aims are threefold:

Fostering Inclusion

Fostering a spirit of inclusion, community cohesion and multicultural integration. This also includes working towards a reduction of all forms of discrimination, including overt and covert racism and a reduction of hate crime in society.

Introducing Maltese Culture

Introducing Maltese culture values and traditions to foster a better understanding of the host country as well as introducing global cultures, values and traditions as culture shapes our identity and gives us a sense of belonging.

Fostering Friendship

Fostering a spirit of friendship between and within societies with different socio-cultural and ethnic contexts and abilities.

NWAMI International Malta objectives:

  • To foster better community cohesion and provide information for all the relevant stakeholders and the public about the concept of multicultural integration, inclusion and diversity.
  • To seek and promote, on a national level, the participation of NWAMI International Malta.
  • To raise public awareness on intercultural dialogue where all cultural values are valued and respected.
  • To promote and present the interests of the NWAMI International Malta members, volunteers and collaborators to the notice of local authorities, international organisations and other authorities.
  • To raise funds by means of projects, sponsorships or otherwise for all the purposes and objectives of NWAMI International Malta in such amounts and in such manner as may be authorized by the NWAMI International Malta Executive Committee.
  • To collaborate with any national/international organisation/s whose aims are similar to those of NWAMI International Malta.
  • To encourage and promote relevant research.

Meet Our Team

Rot. Maria-Gabriele Doublesin

President & chair projects & Research
M.A. TCOUNS (Melit.); M.A. CPSY. Community, EPS. (UMD) LPCC warrant nr CCPO36, Lecturer on Equality & Diversity at the Workplace, Director & Founder of ICC&CD Ltd

Conway Wigg

Vice President, & chair Communications Media and PR
M.A. Public Communications & PR and BA in History. Conway takes care of all project related media communications and helps with the coordination of communications related project's work packages. He has worked in communications and corporate affairs for more than 20 years. He is particularly interested in the history of ideas and the impact of technology on society

Conrad Borg

F.C.C.A.; F.I.A.; DipIFR; Certified Public Accountant and Auditor. Audit and Assurance Partner at RSM Malta

Jane Paton

HHon. Head of Operations Culture & Community
M.A. Text & Performance Studies (Distinction) R.A.D.A. & King’s College, London. L.G.S.M. (t.d.) Guildhall School of Music & Drama. External Examiner for Guildhall School of Music & Drama. Diploma of Dramatic Art R.S.A.M.& D. [now the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.] The Silver Medal R.S.A.M.& D. The Havergal Prize for Style R.S.A.M.& D. Professional Dancer, Actor, Theatre Director, Speech & Drama Teacher, Examiner.

Sixteen years extensive teaching experience in UK, Iran and Singapore.

Samira Jamil

General Secretary
M.A. Communication, Media & PR (UoL); PG Cert Management Studies (SU); BA (Hons.) Arabic (Melit)

Matteo Privitelli

Chairperson Funding & Stakeholder Networking
M.A. Diplomatic Studies, Intern. Economy, Intern. Law (Melit.), M.A. Hospitaller Studies (Melit.)