Our British-Maltese relationship runs deep and our stories of multicultural integration are interconnected. NWAMI International Malta was formed with the idea to carry Dr Sibani’s work for social justice, the elimination of racism and hate crime beyond the shores of Great Britain. To make this possible it was decided that NWAMI International Malta should operate as an autonomously governed body. In simple terms, we are one family with two self-sustaining households. Like family members, who come together to celebrate their annual family feasts, it is NWAMI International Malta’s pleasure and honour to join NWAMI UK in their initiative against hate crime with a brief, but very comprehensive talk by Dr Kevin Sammut Henwood, Malta’s Principle Forensic Psychologist at MHSE and lecturer at the Department of Criminology, University of Malta, explaining the concept of hate crime, the three acts hate crime is comprised of and the impact hate crime has on the individual and on society. This NWAMI International Malta Initiative is carried out in In solidarity with NWAMI UK’s call for action to raise the level of hate crime awareness.
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Address by Rajan Nazran on International Integration Day
A MAN IN SEARCH OF THE HUMAN ‘BEING’ BEYOND PANDEMICS, CORRUPTION & ARTROCITIES OF WAR AND POLITICAL UNREST Featuring the address by Rajan Nazran on NWAMI UK’s 4th International Integration Day and launch of Hate Crime Awareness Week on 9 October 2021 Rajan Nazran is an award-winning explorer, content producer, poet and entrepreneur and over the last 15 years has travelled to 58 countries plunging into the human experience behind identity and supporting sovereign nations. His network extends globally to heads of state, ministers, CEOs, entrepreneurs and many UHNWI/HNWI through to those on the fringes of society. He is Senior Partner of NazranRoth Ltd and Chief Explorer for the Global Indian Series which is the world’s largest living encyclopaedia of people of Indian origin. He is also International Chairman of the Ugwumba Centre for Leadership Development in Africa, Executive Member of the Kenya Society, International Sports Director of the Corinthia Football Team of Malta and sits on the Board for the Mental Health Change Working Group of England and an active member of The Rotary Club of International Business Envoys (London). He has been endorsed by over 5 Heads of state, specialist security councils and his work has been featured in leading international media including TIME, Manager Magazine, Capital Magazine, Indian Express and the Miami Herald. For Rajan, the important thing about his work is not so much about the fact of skin colours, but about the effects of identity politics put on them and What it’s like to be