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NWAMI International Malta launches Educational Awareness Campaign as a Contribution to the European Sustainable Development Week 2022


The European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) is an effort to make it easier to organize events that support sustainable development and to show off all of these efforts on a single platform. The new global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) spell out the most important problems that need to be fixed right away at all levels and by all stakeholders. The ESDW helps this ambitious, global, and transformative agenda by encouraging bottom-up activities that have a theme in common with the SDGs and support them. So, the goal of the ESDW is to make more people in Europe aware of the 2030 Agenda.

As part of ESDW, NWAMI International has launched an education awareness campaign highlighting how our ongoing project ‘Together we strive: Creating a sustainable environment free from barriers that divide’ promotes social cohesion and protection and how this, in turn, plays a role in reducing emissions.  You can learn more about ESDW here.